
BS Chemical Engineering Program Educational Objectives and Outcomes

BS Chemical Engineering Program Educational Objectives

To accomplish the mission of the Institute, the Chemical Engineering & Technology Department supports the objectives of the College and the Institute and expands the objectives to satisfy the needs of the Chemical Engineering constituent groups.

The Chemical Engineering & Technology Department at the Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology strives to prepare its graduates who, after five years of their professional career, have:

  1. Established themselves in the field of Biotechnology, Chemical, Energy, Environment, Food/Nutraceuticals/Flavours/Fragrances, Materials, Nanotechnology, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, and/or Mineral industries as engineers, academicians, technopreneurs, innovators and/or researchers;
  2. Established themselves as practicing professionals through increased responsibilities beyond their original entry-level position;
  3. Engaged in post-baccalaureate study or thru continued education like professional licensure, additional certification and special training; and
  4. Involved in professional extension through mentoring, community activities, and/or served in local/national/international professional societies.

BS Chemical Engineering Program Outcomes

By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall be able to:

Engineering practice both as an art and science

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences to the practice of chemical engineering;
  • Use appropriate techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for the practice of chemical engineering;
  • Possess knowledge and sound judgment of contemporary issues in the context of the University’s diverse and multicultural environment involving the Tri-people of Mindanao (Christians, Muslims, Lumads) and their rich heritage.

Critical thinking and in-depth analysis

  • Identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems;
  • Design, improve, innovate, and supervise systems, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;
  • Possess specialized knowledge in at least one field of chemical engineering practice, and the ability to apply such knowledge to provide solutions to actual problems with understanding on the impact of such solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

Research and Innovation, Inventiveness and Technopreneurship

  • Design and conduct experiments to test hypotheses and verify assumptions, as well as to analyze and interpret data from simulated processes and present results to a community of experts orally or in print;
  • Develop an inclination towards innovation and technopreneurship which includes utilization and commercialization of technology in the form of product, service or process.

Ethics and Professionalism

  • Engage in life-long learning and to keep abreast of the current trends and development in a specific field of specialization;
  • Understand the effects and impact of the chemical engineering profession on the environment and the society, as well as the social and ethical responsibilities of the profession.

Management, Collaboration and Communication

  • Communicate ideas, propositions, results and solutions preferably in English language or in any appropriate medium easily understood by a target audience;
  • Possess knowledge and understanding of chemical engineering, and management principles as a member and leader in a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural environments;
  • Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in diverse fields of practice.
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